About Us

Heart of Illinois Low Incidence Association (HILIA)


( NOTE: Low-incidence disabilities are those that affect a comparatively small number of students in a district.)


HILIA is a regional program that combines resources to effectively meet the needs of students with low incidence disabilities including hearing, vision, and motor disabilities. HILIA exists as a collaboration between Tri-County Special Education Association, Mackinaw Valley Special Education, Bloomington District #87, Livingston County Special Services Unit, and Illinois State University Laboratory Schools.

The Illinois State University Laboratory Schools (Thomas Metcalf School and University High School) provide special education instructional programs for students with hearing or vision disabilities. Lisa Kendall coordinates those programs. Three HILIA facilitators support the unique needs of these students in lab school or district programs: Deb Trissel (hearing), Jan Harrell (vision), and Jodi Nibbelin (Assistive Technology and Motor).

To learn more: HILIA Programming