If you or one of your friends is struggling, tell a grown up. Some people you might talk to are: your parent, a relative, a friend’s parent, your teacher, a guidance counselor, a day care provider, a neighbor, someone from your church, or a coach. If you are in a public school, there are school psychologists and social workers assigned to your school who will know how to help. If the first person you tell doesn’t seem to know what to do, try telling others. The adults in Livingston County want you to grow up happy and healthy.
Below are some websites that have helpful information…
Flu prevention: http://www.flu.gov/psa/index.html#elmo
Bike safety: http://www.nhtsa.gov/people/injury/pedbimot/bike/KidsandBikeSafetyWeb/index.htm
Bullying support: http://www.stopbullying.gov/kids/index.html
Cyber bullying: http://www.stopbullying.gov/topics/cyberbullying/index.html
Crime prevention: http://www.mcgruff.org/#/Main
Bullying support:
Cyber bullying: http://www.stopbullying.gov/topics/cyberbullying/index.html
LGBT bullying: http://www.stopbullying.gov/topics/lgbt/index.html
LGBT support: http://www.itgetsbetter.org/
Underage drinking facts and info for teens: http://www.stopalcoholabuse.gov/youth.aspx
Sexual health: http://teenshealth.org/teen/sexual_health/